This morning I walked by two ladies carrying running shoes. They were chatting. You could tell by what they were wearing and how they were walking that they were finishing up their morning exercise routine which wasn’t a very vigorous one. They were both fairly overweight.
They were wearing running shoes too. I looked up and down from the shoes on their feet to the shoes in their hands several times. They were wearing running shoes and carrying running shoes. White running shoes. One of them had a running shoe in each hand. Actually she had them so her hands were in the running shoes like the way you put your hands in socks after you’ve sewn buttons on for eyes and red felt for lips, when you’re using them for puppets. The soles of the shoes were facing out, towards me. The other woman had tied her running shoes together by the laces like you do with skates. How she was holding them was by looping the tied-together laces over one of her hands.
I was on my way to the variety store to buy some lemons.
1 comment:
Maybe the hand puppet running shoes were the only way the one fat lady could talk to the other fat lady. Like they find it hard to be intimate. Not that all fat people are nursing traumatic beginnings but psychologist help abused children talk through puppets, right? Or maybe like pony express riders, burning out their mounts delivering the mail, one overheated, uncomfortable set of shoes gets swapped at a designated way station, somewhere a pair of massive motivated calorie burners can switch to fresh rested shoes. Anyways, your a funny writer. I'm going to visit again tomorrow.
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