Iggy, the boy cat is getting big. His fur is very fluffy. Lilu, the girl cat is much smaller. Our old cat Quari was my cat first. Then I moved her in to Larry's before I moved in myself. Quari liked Larry but he never fully warmed up to her.
When Jacob was born Quari would lay across the bed over top of him when he was a sleeping baby. She let him take all the attention away from her. But he never warmed up to her either. I was always Quari's best and first person and was always happy about that.
These kittens move around. Lilu likes to sleep on Jacob's bed. Iggy loves to get on Larry's chest when he watching TV and butt his nose in his face.
Quari used to talk a lot. I talked a lot to her. I talk to these kittens too but they are very quiet. Their voices are small. They make funny trilling sounds sometimes; Iggy more. They gallop through the house together. They play with squeaky toys we got them - a bird, a fish and a mouse.
They like the bathtub plug. They take the plug from the bathtub and leave it in our bed.
1 comment:
So it's a shame we don't have more kids too, because you give us all so much love and have lots to spare because you make more lovingness whenever something loveable crosses your path.
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