There's scardy cats, 'fraidy cats; there's hidy cats. Larry says he's been a hidy cat. So have I. When he first got here Iggy was quite the scardy cat. Lilu approached new territory at a pace that better matched her ability to cope with the new environment. Iggy would stalk it, meet it head-on, discover suddenly his fear, then run away.
Iggy is clownish pressing his needs forward then finding himself embarrassed by human lectures about claws and biting. Lilu is discreet, catches on quickly, and hence is even more embarrassed when things, like artificial prey, get away from her. Because of her superiority she has more appearances to keep up than Iggy. More readily she must disguise motives that have been thwarted.
But none of this is quite what Larry meant by being a hidy cat.
Lilu is the master of the preening redirect, whenever an embarassing moment occurs it's so true. You can't make her admit it, that she wasn't perfect for a second. She knows better. "You're just misinterpreting things, and look at my beautiful coat, it's mine. I might let you pet me if you're good."
But she has clearly glommed onto you as her new mommy. With all that neck nursing she worms her snout into. You're the big mommy! And now I have to get in line behind that pest Lilu.
It turns out, according to the vet, that the neck nursing is just her way of showing me the super affection I deserve.
Thankfully she seems to be getting the message I'd prefer she found some other way to demonstrate it.
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