Monday, October 02, 2006

Spacing out

We stayed home today. For Yom Kippur.

The night before last we went out for Nuit Blanche. It was so amazing. There were so many people. Usually it's just us it seems, trolling the gallery scene. We went to bed so late.

Then we had to get up right away the next morning to go to a ceremony for the Zaglembie society. Every year the day before Yom Kippur we do this. This year was special because they got a new monument to commemorate the people they commemorate every year. There's maybe six of them in a semi-circle in black, only not a full semi-circle more an eighth of a semi. You feel like they're these spirits leaning up and over top of you. It's kind of a nice protected feeling. In between them are smaller stone units to hold the commemoration candles.

There were speeches. I was just in the mood to space out for the speeches today. Maybe I was listening a bit. My son, Jacob, came up to me at a certain point towards the end of one of the speeches. He was getting bored.

I think kids need to be bored more. He was being bored in a big open field with some trees, admittedly more would have been better and a ton of gravestones. He's never even been afraid of creepy things under his bed. I think it was a good place for him to be bored.

It was during this distraction that Larry exclaimed to me that the guy saying the speech just urged the crowd on to vengence for what happened. (Larry = husband) Then I wished Jacob hadn't interrupted me so I could have heard it for myself. But really I'm not sure if I was listening at that point myself anyway.

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