Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Technical concerns

My poor computer grows senile. It hums and whirs like an old vacuum cleaner with something stuck in it. Didn’t we used to have a pet budgie around here? Larry tried to install a new printer to it. It refused to recognize it. Furthermore it refused to tell us it didn’t recognize it.

The new printer will be more efficient for printing out my manuscript. Manuscript. The word manuscript does sound very magnificent.

What I did while I was waiting for the computer to recognize the printer was nail clip my left big-toe’s toe nail. I get holes in my socks because my big toes are too big. But when I told Larry that he said it wasn’t the fact of the big toes being too big, it was the toe nails not getting clipped frequently enough. I couldn’t believe he thought that about me. Larry thinks I don’t cut my big-toe toe nails frequently enough.

I thought it would be funny to clip the big-toe toe nail while the toe was sticking out of the hole in the sock. It was funny.

Then I switched the socks around. I switched the feet the socks were on because only one of the socks had a hole in it. The reason I switched them to opposite feet was I thought if I did that it would switch the hole that my big toe sticks out of to the baby-toe side of the foot. Then the hole would just be there floating above the toes without the toes pressing their way out of the sock the way they do when it's big toes in the hole vicinity.

While I was switching the socks I couldn’t help but notice all the other nails on the other toes looking perfectly fine, at a reasonable length and in no need of being clipped. Which made me think, is the fact of the other toe nails not needing clipping a kind of proof of Larry being right that I don’t clip my big-toe toe nails often enough? Does the situation of my toe nails suggest that what I need to do is clip my big-toe toe nails twice as frequently as the other toes?

Is it all proof of the point that I am resisting that which is necessary? Yet it doesn’t seem fair or right, does it?

The sock switching didn’t work. It worked for a minute or two but then the toe and the sock worked together mysteriously to produce the same effect of sticking out big-toe on my other foot, my right foot.

It’s because the socks are cotton or a poly-cotton blend. I can get the sock-switch trick to work when I’m wearing wool socks.

What Larry’s going to do is install the new printer downstairs on his system. Then what I’ll be doing is printing my manuscript through the network.

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